Luke 4:18-19

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the
poor. He has sent me to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the
blind, to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the
Lord’s favor.”

Church Gathering at 11am Every Sunday

We are an intergenerational community with people from all sorts of backgrounds.


We are also pet-friendly!

We want to welcome all of your loved ones! Several of our members bring their pooches through our doors. As long as they are friendly, we’d love to make them a part of our family.

Please pick up their droppings, even if they are on the grass!

This Weeks Sermon



Current Sermon Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons This Weeks Sermon

Nehemiah 9

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 8

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 7

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 6

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Recent Sermons Uncategorized

Nehemiah 5

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah

Nehemiah 4

Current Sermon Series Guest Speakers Past Sermons Recent Sermons

God will never leave or forsake us!

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 3

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 2:11-20

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Nehemiah 2:1-10

1 Thessalonians Current Sermon Series Guest Speakers Past Sermons Recent Sermons Uncategorized

1 Thessalonians 5

Current Sermon Series Ephesians Guest Speakers Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Salvation from Bear’s Perspective (Ephesians 1)

Current Sermon John Past Sermons Recent Sermons

John 1:14

Current Sermon Series Nehmiah Past Sermons

Nehemiah 1

Current Sermon Series Matthew Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Matthew 28:1-6

Current Sermon Series Ezra

Ezra 10

Current Sermon Series Ezra

Ezra 9

Current Sermon Series Ezra Past Sermons

Ezra 8

Current Sermon Series Ezra

Ezra 7

Current Sermon Series Ezra Past Sermons Recent Sermons

Ezra 6


Our Ministries in Oahu

Share Our Savior Church allocates much of its annual budget to evangelistic mission opportunities.